
Hello Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2023-2024 school year. We are very excited to continue to grow independent, self-regulated young learners that are curious about their world! In the coming year we look forward to engaging you (our families) in your child’s education through family events, PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) meetings, volunteer opportunities and conferences. 

Relationships are a pillar to our education philosophy. As we connect throughout the school year our relationships will strengthen in support of our common goal - positive contributions to your child's development!  

We have many exciting things planned for the year including expanding on our existing “Try-Day” food program, growing foods and plants at school, and visiting the Auerfarm 4-H center on a regular basis. 

To enrich our program at Wintonbury we partner with community organizations and other schools in the Bloomfield School District. Some of our partners include: the Bloomfield Prosser Library, Micro2Life (local, organic urban farmers), Auerfarm, the University of Hartford (who places interns and field work students with us), the Lion’s Club (who provides vision screenings at school) and the Bloomfield Backpack Program (who provides food to qualifying families in collaboration with food share and local churches).  

As we progress through the year our highly qualified dedicated staff and I are always here to support you during your child’s early years of education. We hope you enjoy your experience here with us as much as we do!


Samantha Straker, Principal 

Wintonbury Early Childhood Magnet School